3-Year Old Preschool

Note: This program is for children 3-4 years old. Children must be three years old and toilet trained by September 1 to begin in September, or three years old and toilet trained by January 1 to begin in January.

Choice of Days:

  • Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday, 9:00-11:30am WAITLIST
  • Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday, 12:30-3:00pm
  • Thursday/Friday, 9:00-11:30am

Our Preschool program provides a nurturing environment that promotes:

  • Acceptance and belonging in a group situation
  • Age appropriate activities designed to engage and challenge
  • A sense of comfort with school routines and environment
  • Extending your child’s circle of trust in separation from parents
  • Partnering the parent during this step in the educational process
  • Recognizing and affirming strengths and talents
  • Development of the “whole child” (intellectual, social, emotional, physical) through literature-based integrated lessons and special units of study
  • Beginning to learn school behaviors: walking feet, inside voice, sharing toys, etc.

A Typical Day

Circle Time:

  • Activities that tap into a child’s innate curiosity and imagination
  • Rote counting and the counting of objects
  • Integrated lessons that promote higher level thinking skills
  • Ongoing discussion of the unit of the month in a mini-lesson
  • Discussions of the seasons
  • Songs, finger plays and games, rhymes
  • Developing listening skills in a group and to lengthen attention span

Project and Play Time:

  • Activities that foster working and playing in a group
  • Daily art projects that relate to the theme being studied and promote fine motor skills
  • Centers that provide a wide variety of sensory experiences such as water tables and science discoveries
  • A variety of manipulatives and puzzles
  • Transition activities
  • Beginning to work and play in a group


  • Literature related to the unit/season that provides opportunities to develop a love of language and literature
  • Show and Tell component that develops comfort in speaking in front of a group
  • Snacks provided are peanut free
  • Responsibility for individual clean-up of snack table

Gross Motor Activity:

  • 30 minute large muscle activities per session, regardless of weather conditions
  • Outside: Fenced playground environment promotes imaginative play with riding toys, bubbles, chalk, climber, playhouse, sandbox, soccer balls, and games
  • Inside: Bright, carpeted play area with a variety of ridings toys, bouncy balls, parachute, basketball, balance beams, tunnels, stick animals, hopscotch, bean bag toss, scarves and ribbon rings.