About Us

We want your entire family to enjoy a positive experience at The Preschool at Doylestown United Methodist Church. We recognize that the parents are a child’s primary teachers. Our role is to partner you in the next step of your child’s educational process.
We believe that each child, who comes to us, is special. We strive to ensure that your child feels safe, accepted, and affirmed. Our program emphasizes the importance of a positive self-image and is directed toward maximizing the potential of every student. Children are given individual attention and special care by our experienced teachers and highly skilled assistants with an 8 to 1 student-teacher ratio. In addition to kindness and respect for others, our staff models and teaches fairness, patience, responsibility, and intellectual curiosity.
We have an age-appropriate, written curriculum that addresses the four aspects of growth and development: intellectual, social, physical, and emotional. Every session provides opportunities for children to explore the world through seasonal topics and special units of study. Literature, language, science, and mathematical concepts are incorporated into the lessons.
We understand that every child needs to feel successful. Our preschool provides a strong academic foundation that challenges without frustrating, while working toward the mastery of skills. Students are encouraged to express themselves through positive social interaction, creative play, art, music, and group discussions.
My personal experience as a mother has been incredible as I have watched my only son and child, develop and grow into a well-speaking, communicative little boy in a mere year. He has shown a new confidence that I attribute much of to DUMC and the wonderful staff.